HFP Blog

The Wider the Base, the Higher The Peak

The Wider the Base, the Higher The Peak

Our quest as coaches is forged over many years and decades and if there is one thing I highly value it is delving deeper into the rabbit hole with further education to get our clients to their goal quickly and sustainably.

To Eat Meat Or Not To Eat Meat

To Eat Meat Or Not To Eat Meat

Is eating meat healthy? In light of recent studies that associate meat eating with poor health and imminent death this can be a confusing topic.



Muscle tightness and restricted mobility is a common issue for a number of people training in the gym. Often people will turn to stretching to help fix these issues but what most people aren’t aware of is that there are different types of stretching and different causes of restricted mobility.

Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of Champions

At HFP, our first meal of the day does not happen by chance, it is a deliberate choice. It consists of a base of protein, some healthy fats and vegetables.

Fat Loss

Nutrition Planning for Fat Loss

In the quest for fat reduction through nutrition planning and manipulation, a basic principle commonly overlooked is the need to achieve a net calorie reduction.

Call HFP

Speak directly to Colin (founder) to enquire about any HFP services or the venue membership.




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